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RSS feed errors

Troubleshooting RSS feed issues

Tara avatar
Written by Tara
Updated over a week ago

Below you will find a list of common RSS feed errors which may prevent your podcast from uploading on to the Creators platform, and their possible solutions.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at, or live chat with us should you need need assistance with your RSS feed submission.

Invalid RSS feed:
If you receive this error message, it means that your RSS feed is either formatted incorrectly, or it includes some wrong code.
The first step, is to validate your RSS feed. There are many different sites that offer free RSS feed validation tools, including:
Feed Validator
Feed Validation Service
Or, more specifically for podcasters:
Cast Feed Validator

RSS feed validator tools will point out the issue with your feeds, which could be a typo in your code, the use of an invalid character some code that must be removed, and allow you to fix the problems. Once your RSS feed validates, resubmit your RSS feed, and upload your podcast on to the Creators platform

Empty RSS feed:

Although we are working on changing this process, at the moment our system can only accept RSS feeds containing at least one episode.
If your show is brand new, and doesn't contain at least one episode, please sign back into your Creators account after your first episode has aired, and re submit your RSS feeds. We would love to have you onboard!

Inaccessible RSS feed:
If you received this error, it means that our system cannot access your RSS feed, and and as a result, we were unable to pull any content in from your show.

  • Make sure your RSS feed aren't password protected. 

  • Make sure your hosting definitions are not setup to block web crawlers. If they are, please configure your settings to allow us to access the feed and import your content.

  • Double check your RSS feed url and make sure it's spelled and formatted correctly

User added existing RSS feed:
If you receive this error, it means that your podcast RSS feed is already in our system.
Try to login on Creators (you can also try to reset your password from this screen).
If you forgot your credential, or you require assistance, feel free to email us at, or live chat with us...we will are here to help 😊

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